
I generally offer Massage in two different times slots – 30 minutes or 60 minute massage.
I offer a full consultation prior to the massage, so the appointments take a little longer than the massage time. I always advise to allow 15 minute extra for the first appointment so that we can go through everything and ensure that I can tailor the session for you and your body’s needs.
If you have never had a massage before, I will go through the whole process with you or if you are nervous or worried about removing clothing, do let me know and we can chat through the best way to arrange things.
Massage is a very relaxing experience and to ensure you feel safe I use towelling etiquette to make sure your experience is dignified.
I am very keen on continuing to learn techniques so that I can ensure that your massage is the best it can be and I also have some specialist treatments in addition to the standard massage.

Swedish Massage

Swedish is a style of massage that is generally associated with relaxation type massages. However, for those that are particularly sensitive or not used to having massage, this technique also has its place in helping to promote the body and muscles to heal following an injury or to reduce tension. It is generally a lighter touch, than for example Deep Tissue, but this does not mean it doesn’t “do” anything.

Deep Tissue Massage

This is a widely used technique to help with problem area, muscle fatigue and to assist in the healing process following inury or damage.
Some people choose to have deep tissue as part of an ongoing routine, for example monthly to keep their bodies in good condition to assist with physical activity, keep on top of conditions or to help improve their bodies as they strive to increase physical fitness.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Now this sounds terribly clinical, but it is an amazing treatment and targets the Lymphatic System rather than the muscles and circulatory system. As such it is a much lighter touch than regular massage, but as we are improving the movement of the lymph it is a great boost for the body.
The Lymphatic system is responsible for removing waste from our bodies and plays a crucial part in our immune system. The massage can promote the movement of the lymph and thus help to drain toxins, reduce swelling, help to promote better circulation of white blood cells, it can also help to reduce accumulation of water retention.
Regular sessions can really help to promote a detox within the body by stimulating the lymph. The technique focusses on work around the lymph nodes and working with the natural flow of the system. It is best as a full body treatment but can be modified to target specific problem areas.

Myofascial Release

I have been fascinated by the fascia within the body (sorry for the pun sounding statement) but it really is the glue that binds us together and when something is amiss it can have quite a significant impact on our bodies.
There are a range of Myofascial Release Techniques available and some are more aggressive than others. The technique that I have been trained in is all about working with the body and allowing it to release. It’s an amazingly powerful and deeply relaxing technique and can be combined with other techniques within the same session; such as starting with this and then continuing with more traditional massage, or blending it with energy based work such as Reiki.
Myofascial release does not use any oil, and uses a deep but gentle touch, to stretch and release the fascia. Often the body feels a bit tight and not quite right, but not necessarily muscular, so this is particularly where MFR technique may well be just what you need.